20 May 1003


At 3 in the morning, the ship sets sail. Ulmor is promptly sick over the rails, and consequently a joke for the sailors. Takashi spends some time gathering information about pirates, then seems to be found below decks most of the time. Fritz tells Corin that she has some fears she needs help with. Corin denies everything and tells Fritz to keep out of her mind. Fritz tells her that he merely taught her some techniques. Corin agrees that thinking of a nice place in the forest is not messing with her head.


Takashi agrees that Lili should be paid back from party funds for creating healing potions, to the total of 500 Gold Marks. Each person takes two potions of Cure Light Wounds.


1 July 1003


Arrive in Rauxes to a light fog. As the ship pulls into the quay, we see a massive banner saying “ERROL: WORLD TOUR”. Corin questions a cloaked Errol about what is going on, only to find the cloaked figure appears to be Michelle, speaking in Errol’s voice. Lili says to Errol with a chuckle, “You didn’t tell me you were on tour.” There are many people excited by the world tour. More people have the plague here than anywhere else the party has been.


Lili moves off into the crowd, listening to gossip. Fritz questions the Captain, who tells him that it wasn’t like this last time he was near here. Takashi points out a number of signs to show this is the plague, including the fact that all the people who are dead are elderly, young, or beggars. Errol, Takashi and Corin note the plague to be advanced in the city. The party seeks out a healthier part of the town. Errol confirms the island to be relatively large, a third the size of Murnau. The party makes its way west, toward the castle.


Errol insists that he did absolutely nothing cause this. Takashi believes him, while the rest of the party just assume him to be denying it. A passer-by mentions the Michelle song, and is directed toward Errol disguised as Michelle. Corin tells him rather loudly, aided by Fritz, and some attention is paid to the Lady of Ma’at. This is nothing compared to the excitement about the expected grand entrance of Errol. Errol has been expected since the day officials announced his coming a couple of weeks ago.


Fritz takes the lead and assures people around him that the party has come from Murnau. Takashi and Ulmor press on through the city, while Corin distances herself from Fritz, who is establishing a reputation for his order. The tromping heard a while away turns out to be the city “guard” marching under the city banner. A squad of eight, armed with weapons and shields, passes the party by.


A little way north of the castle, the party passes a tack shop and a tailor. Takashi suggests Errol be named “honeybunny” to Ulmor as they travel. Corin suggests “she” be called Michelle. Fritz informs Errol that the stories the people know are very mangled and that the people do not know him by face. Fritz argues that the party may be known, if Errol is known. Takashi mentions he may be under threat of his life here. Errol points out that many people from here have been offended by members of the party.


Errol stops being Michelle as he enters the tailor and asks for something upmarket for a musician to perform in. The clerk is confused and enquires as to whether the gentleman would prefer to look like a gentleman or a layabout bard. Errol objects to being a layabout bard; he asks for something fit for the nobility, and is met with the idea of performing for Her Majesty. He is subsequently warned the queen is rather ill. Meanwhile, Corin walks off into the tack shop to enquire about horses.


Fritz saunters in to the tailor and states that all he needs is a simple black robe. The clerk says that the Minister for State has recently been executed for informing Her Majesty that to clean the sewers would be the same cost as a full Horse Regiment. When Errol mentions other places the plague has been, not much registers until Murnau is mentioned, at which point the clerk’s eyes light up and he proclaims it to be excellent.


A conversation with the tackmaster reveals that Caroll the court wizard has been re-equipping the Black Legion, taking the best horses. Everyone else speaks of Alnwick pirates, whereas the denizens know they are at war with Auvergne and Murnau.


Errol asks for the location of a place of good repute and is given the option of the Red Unicorn or the Dancing Fool. Naturally, Errol chooses the Dancing Fool as the place to be going. Fritz offers to accompany the traveller to the Dancing Fool.


Corin finds that there are well-looked-after, reasonably well-fed horses. They just do not seem to be of the quality the tackmaster would like. Errol is told his outfit will be ready by the end of the week, and to come back tomorrow for recommendations as to where to find an instrument.


The party makes its way past the shops, including a weapons shop, to the Dancing Fool. Corin checks the gates, but finds nothing that seems to be more abnormal than the humans passing through. The innkeeper tells Fritz people have been leaving, even before the plague, and lays the blame fairly firmly at the feet of the court wizard. Zane, the previous wizard to the throne, is mentioned to have been insane, mad and unpredictable. Caroll is revealed to be brutally efficient. The Grey Wizard is just outside the citadel, nearer the docks. The island is apparently famous for its wizards. Fritz suggests a little of “the best beer in the world”, and lunch to go with it. Lili finds no herbalists or alchemists recommended. The mention of wizards has also raised mention of the Sages Guild, which is a collection (or argument) of wizards. Fritz argues that the party should check out the Sages Guild through the back door.


2 July 1003 (12/7/03)


The party decides to go sightseeing around the town. We find:

-          a temple to Felix

-          a shop with silks and fine ladies’ apparel

-          Jack’s anything shop


Here, Lili finds out about Narlond, the most famous alchemist in Rauxes. Narlond is a wizard, called the White Alchemist (the person our last clue leads us to).


-          The Prancing Dryad, a music hall (like an upmarket inn).


Errol walks in and asks whether Errol is expected here. Apparently, he IS expected.


-          a red building, a few stories tall, serving sailors (“Zenara”)

-          “Five Torches Inn”, “Goblin Tooth Inn”, “The Blue Dog” and “The Two Fister” (both taverns)

-          Naat’s Merchant Company

-          Narlond’s tower (3 stories) – “Narlond’s Alchemy and Herbalist”


At Narlond’s tower, there are a number of ragamuffins camped outside, who obviously have the plague. We knock on the front door. One of the ragamuffins tells us, “He won’t answer, mister. We’ve been here two days.” The door opens and a man in white robes is at the door. An armed guard points a spear at the ragamuffins, while we are ushered in. Errol tosses a couple of gold coins to the ragamuffins.


Narlond says that the plague is the curse of Zane, and that he must be destroyed before the plague can be cured. Zane is apparently in the sewers, and anyone entering the sewers incurs a death sentence. This death sentence was at the decree of the queen, but the queen is effectively the puppet of Caroll.


Narlond directs us to the Blue Dagger tavern to contact a sewerman Barley, who knows the sewers reasonably well. He tells us to pay Barley well.


We go shopping for underground gear and equipment. The local currency is guineas. We decide to label potions – when labels are near the top, the potion is a healing potion. All other important potions are labelled.


3 July 1003


Heading to the Blus Dagger tavern, we pass:

-          a grey stone tower

-          Pi’s money changer

-          “plump Hen” restaurant

-          Hibbern’s Store”

-          “Calor’s Roost”


We go past the Blue Dagger and see the “Gilded Goat” tavern (“best inn and food in Rauxes”).


We return to the appropriate back alley and see three guys digging through refuse. After speaking obtusely about ‘barley soup’ and a ‘wandering guide’, we give Barley 11 Gold Marks and he leads us to a trapdoor in the floor (a flagstone with an iron ring). We descend into the stinky murk. After traipsing around, we get pointed to a hole in the wall near the ceiling. We ask Barley to check on us every half day.


In the hole, there is a much worse stink. We all climb up.


Party order:       Ulmor

            Takashi             Errol

            Lili (& Gustav)  Fritz


                     (& Wiley)


As we advance in, we get attacked by a band of undead.




The undead are defeated, though Corin and Wiley take some damage. Fritz suggests Invisibility to Undead, an area effect spell that “does not target, but surrounds the party”. Ulmor believes Fritz and allows the spell to be cast. Fritz is not resisted by any of the party except Ulmor. This leads to Fritz casting the spell by touching Ulmor twice. This makes Ulmor rather strange. Fritz suggests not touching undead and reminds Corin not to strike anything with a bow.


Ulmor heads about 30 feet down the passage, only to be surrounded by fog, so thick that he can’t see five feet in front of him. Errol walks in and pulls Ulmor away from where he has stopped. Fritz announces an Abjuration in the hallway and that it may be there to keep things in. A stone pillar stands 20 feet down the corridor. Ulmor suggests this to be the source of the fog. Lili suggests walking through; Errol volunteers and goes in quietly with a rope tied around him. He appears hazy at the pillar and the party seems distant. Errol disappears from sight behind the pillar. Fifty feet in, Errol has found nothing and reports back.


The party goes in with ropes and holds the wall. 100 feet in, the party hears the wind coming in as the corridor takes a sudden turn. Fritz casts Darkvision on himself. The party goes away from the wind (left) for about fifty feet, and Ulmor informs them that the fog has lifted. Takashi casts Fire Eyes and two red beams illuminate the corridor from his eyes. Just after this, Lili casts Dancing Lights, causing Ulmor to see a party of bats fly away.


The corridor bends right at the limit of the lights after Lili sends them down the corridor, at a four-way intersection. No tracks, but a great deal of guano on the floor. The party turns down the corridor, left, then left again to the corridor that turns left a third time. Takashi lights the torch with his eyes and the spell dies.


The party enters a cavern with a rock filling the doorway, only to find that the room contains several undead. Fritz turns them, forcing them to flee, only to find that there are more coming, and are ambushed by several more. Wiley is struck during the fracas, as is Ulmor.


The party returns down the corridor, having defeated all the undead. Fritz recasts Invisibility to Undead, while Errol distracts Ulmor with a song about things interfering with his body.


The party returns to an intersection, turns left, and finds fog part way down the corridor. Some distance into the fog, the party hears a shuffling sound, as of something staggering and crawling. A zombie-like figure wanders past. Two more follow, then half a dozen. The party passes through a cavern containing about 20 zombies.


Continuing down the corridor as it turns right, an open chamber reveals itself to the left, containing a large pile of bones. The party picks their way through the bones, having been informed by Errol that there is no magic. Following the corridor, the party walks into a cavern containing a ten-foot tall creature with lots of teeth and spikes. The creature is eventually disposed of. The room contains a coffer with magical seeds, and a barrel with a conjuration and necromantic effect, which contains unholy water. The fight brings undead; two of the fourteen remain after Takashi’s fireball and Burning Hands. One drops to Corin’s bow, and the party takes care of the final spectre.


The party tries to destroy the barrel. Takashi takes a swing at it with the battleaxe and scratches it. Takashi calls out “It’s taunting me”, and keeps trying. He eventually knocks a hole in the side of the barrel.


Heading back down the corridor and left, the party finds a massive tapestry depicting scenes of death. Fritz suggests that the tapestry should be destroyed. Corin tries to follow the tapestry to the other end of the corridor; she is promptly tackled by the rest of the party. Retreating from the corridor, the party moves into a large room.


In the room, they find a group of skeletons, easily downed by turning, then a bodac appears. Another group of skeletons and another bodac appear before the party is hit with a Flame Strike from above. The unknown source remains invisible until a few more skeletons are dusted, when Ulmor finally spots it. Takashi casts Grease to force it to ungrip the ceiling, only to find that it goes gaseous and summons a cloud of insects on the party. Fritz tries to fly out, up to the roof, but can not escape, while others struggle on the ground.




The party escapes the insects, but Takashi runs back in to challenge the vampire. He fools it into believing it has overpowered his will and made him its slave, then spoils the effect by trying to kill it. They fight.


Meanwhile, a giant frog arrives behind where Fritz is sheltering. He hypnotises it and then leads it into the insects, where it begins happily feeding.


Corin spots something big moving around down one of the corridors behind her, Errol, and Lili, who are sheltering together.


Running away from the frog through the insects, Fritz emerges into a cavern full of wolves, which attack him. He flies away from them, back through the insects, and manages to find Corin, Lili, and Errol. At about the same time, Takashi joins them, having fled the vampire when he could not even break its weapon. He lights a fire and sets off some pyrotechnics, culminating in a cloud of smoke directed into the insects.


Takashi asks if we have any stakes. Corin pulls out a (wooden-headed) arrow, and notes that she has about fifty more. The party discusses luring the vampire out of the insects, but Ulmor is still elsewhere and has refused to come through the insects and join us. Then we hear howls and yells – Ulmor has blundered into the wolves. Takashi, Lili and Corin go to rescue him.


Meanwhile, the vampire visits Errol and Fritz. It overpowers Errol’s will and makes him stay still and silent. Fritz tries to turn it into a sardine, but fails. It summons three giant wasps, which attack Fritz. As he retreats, it starts sucking on Errol. It also lets out an evil laugh, which can be heard throughout the cavern. This alerts Corin and co., who head back to help (with Ulmor).


Meanwhile, Fritz feels magic, and sees Errol go limp in the vampire’s arms – the vampire screams with surprised rage. Takashi arrives and attacks it. The smoke is starting to be a problem to visibility and breathing, hiding Takashi and the vampire, and forcing Fritz to retreat (although it also scares the wasps away). Corin arrives and disappears into the smoke surrounding the fight. The smoke dissipates. So does the vampire, turning to smoke and retreating.


Fritz emerges from the corridor down which he had retreated. He is followed by a shambling betentacled thing, which he and Corin dispatch in short order. Lili looks at Errol and diagnoses him as dead. Takashi immediately says “We have to go”. After a short argument, we go, taking Errol with us. On the way through the cavern, the two remaining wolves attack us, but Corin kills them.


As we start to continue out, a voice booms out “FLEE!” Lili, Corin, and Ulmor run. Fritz runs after Lili to bring her back. Takashi does the same for Corin and Ulmor, who run in the same general direction. An unseen force holds Fritz immobile. Fritz yells out, and Takashi looks around in time to see the vampire drop from the ceiling onto Fritz. Then Fritz vanishes altogether. Takashi fireballs the vampire. It holds Takashi and goes to drain him, but Takashi vanishes as well. Lili is next to be held (the passage she ran away down looped around and brought her back to the big cavern), but as the vampire tries to drain her, she is turned to stone.


Corin and Ulmor finally get back and can only see the statue of Lili. After a hurried discussion, they decide to run for it, Ulmor first. The vampire attacks them, but Corin is turned into a doll, and Ulmor is trapped in a stone cell.


Takashi reappears in the cavern some time later, to find the vampire gone, and everything else as it is, plus scrolls containing the spells to rescue/recreate all the other party members. He does so.




The party rummages through some chests in a niche as they travel forward, having dispatched the giant frog that attacked the party. This leads to the discovery of some treasure.


Taking a path onward, the party finds a rubbish tip. Ulmor searches it and finds a suit of leather armour, which Fritz notes to be magical. The party goes right from the crossroads into an alcove. They come across what appears to be an undead knight holding a pickaxe. Errol motions to the party to come and attack; Takashi peers around the corner, and is promptly attacked. One of the undead takes a swipe at Gustav, who goes down in the battle. After a short scuffle, the party dispatches the undead and continues on.


Errol volunteers to check the next alcove, and Takashi goes first. Takashi goes in to kill the undead knights. Errol and Takashi get attacked, then manage to kill the knights (although Takashi does most of the work). The party returns to the crossroads and carries on to the T-intersection, where they turn left and continue down the corridor. They find themselves in a chamber with a pool of water to the right. Ulmor tells the party of a 7-foot tall barbarian-style knight that gives him a very uneasy feeling. Takashi volunteers to take it out, while the party takes care of ‘other nuisances’. Takashi casts defensive spells on himself, then charges. Fritz dispels the magic on the figure’s armour, cloak, and shield, after which Takashi finishes beating it down, with the help of a couple of arrows from Corin. The party is, however, consumed by a blast of abyssal fire.


Ulmor is healed. Gustav is healed slightly, but is still too weak to move. Ulmor tries the Full Plate armour, and decides to take it out with him.


Corin finds a longbow with a large strength bonus. Takashi creates a floating disc, and Ulmor places the armour that doesn’t fit him on it. The rest of the party uses it for their excess baggage.


Takashi turns into mist and floats out over the water, only to be thrown back to the side. Corin is sent out on the disc, but is also thrown back. Fritz casts Dispel Magic on the pool and nothing happens. Ulmor checks the bottom, and sees a pile of treasure, but his extendable pole passes straight through it. Errol feels a brief urge to join in the fishing.


Takashi takes on a Zen mindset, and attempts to disbelieve the illusion that there are no illusions. This does not seem to work. The party remains beside the pool, deep in discussion.




Lili studies the far side of the pool. Takashi tries to spider climb around the wall and fails. Fritz casts Invisibility to Undead, but this doesn’t help. Takashi casts Protection from Evil on Errol, but this is useless too. Then Errol drinks some Holy Water, suggested by Lili, and crosses the water successfully. Takashi then drinks some Holy Water and attempts to cross, but is grabbed. He casts Prot. Evil on himself, and crosses safely. After this, the rest of the party cross over successfully.


We head on down the corridor, Ulmor in the lead. Ulmor, Errol and Wiley suddenly start acting strangely. Errol wanders off, Ulmor stops where he is, the wolf stops and then attacks Corin. Ulmor hits Takashi, who breaks Ulmor’s whip dagger. Errol starts singing, which makes Ulmor weep. Finally, Fritz puts them all to sleep, and they are loaded onto the disc.


A discussion ensues. We decide to retreat back aboveground to get help for our insane companions. We discover that the Prot. Evil is no longer working, but go onward nonetheless. We go around a column and find a large cross intersection. There are no enemies in sight. Suddenly a betentacled rock creature drops down from the roof and grabs at everyone. The sleepers awaken. The roper tries to flee with its dinner, but is stopped by Corin, and lets go of her. Takashi drops the roper and the party heads into the next room, to find Errol swimming naked in a pile of gold. We have found the treasury.


We leave Ulmor and Errol swimming in gold, under Gustav’s watchful eye. The rest of the party goes off to check out the rest of the dungeon. We go straight across the intersection to find a room where a strange maniacally laughing man appears out of the bookcase. Corin attacks, as does Takashi, while Fritz casts Dispel Magic and Lili fires her magical crossbow. Takashi then casts a few spells, only to find that they fail, and resorts to physical force. Part of the way through the battle, the creature disappears, and an ice storm appears in its place. Fritz, with Detect Magic up, yells for Corin to look behind her. Corin, who had been waiting to fire, shoots both arrows straight into the lich. Takashi charges it and slows down, while Corin, in a blurring display of speed, fires three arrows in succession. The first strikes the lich in the shoulder, the second narrowly misses between ear and shoulder. The third, with a magnificent display of force, punches a hole through the space where the lich’s heart was.


Takashi and Fritz both ask about the box containing the life force of the lich, and search the room. Corin searches the body and finds a backpack that is much bigger on the inside. She carefully turns it upside down and a number of items fall out, including the box, which she shows to Fritz and Takashi. Takashi promptly destroys it. The party then checks the other path, which goes for a long distance.


They return to Errol and Ulmor, fill up some illusory horses and discs, and head out. After travelling a couple of miles, the party emerges into a swamp, about a mile to the south of the city. Remembering that the inn they are staying at is in the north-west of the city, they head in that direction, disguising their treasure on the way. Corin camouflages herself to hide better, and says a few nasty things to the Gate Guards, then waits while Takashi sorts things out.


After cleaning up at the Dancing Fool, the party goes to see the White Alchemist, where they find an armoured man, claiming that his master has been away for weeks. Takashi points out that he saw the Alchemist yesterday, and asks nicely to leave a message. The man responds that he can only pass on a message, nothing else. Takashi sits outside and writes a letter, then walks in and asks for it to be delivered.


Returning to the tavern, Corin finds that there are some guards following the party. They lead the guards around the city, then hide from pursuit. Takashi reveals himself after a citizen is mistreated, and Corin fails to hide well enough from people in the alley. Both Takashi and Corin have small encounters that result in them running away. They go see the Commander of the Guard, who demands to know why they hit his guards. Corin draws a staff, which is confiscated (as well as a second), and Takashi sorts out the ransom of 2000 GP each.


They go back to the inn and produce the gold to a stunned troop of guards, then take it back to the Commander. The Commander releases them, and asks that Corin’s staves be taken to “the darkie, and see that he doesn’t pull any funny business this time.”


Takashi and Corin go back to the inn and arrange things, especially with regard to disguises.


4 July 1003 (7/9/03)


The party relocates to Fritz’s order’s Chapterhouse. The doorkeeper asks a token of the party, and Takashi offers him the Rod of Wonder, securing our entry and assistance. We discover that the Order can’t help the insane members of the party, but they offer several possible sources of assistance, including the sages, Narlond when he returns, and a trinket shop known to sell artefacts of power.


Lili decides to consult the Sages’ Guild, taking Takashi with her. They tell her that Narlond could help. Marioc might also be able to help, but it wouldn’t be wise to deal with him. He’s a dark wizard of an elven branch who wish to remain obscure. The sages offer to seek information on Narlond in return for a small fee. Lili barters them down to 310 GP for the divination. However, it fails to return an answer.


Lili and Takashi go to the ‘everything shop’. The shopkeeper is a little coy about admitting to possessing items of the nature Lili requires. He eventually concedes that he may be able to get something in, although he can’t be sure it exists. He gets back and tells them he can’t get it, but can provide something to protect from similar attacks in future.


The party eventually decides to wait for Narlond to get back.


Full moon arrives, and inside the Chapterhouse, a werewolf appears where the dwarf has been. Both Ulmor and Errol had been manacled to their beds, and neither the wolf nor Errol can now escape their bonds. Lili hears Errols screams and the wolf’s growls, and comes to investigate. She removes Errol from danger and ties him up in her room, locking the door. She then goes to find Takashi. When she gets back, she finds Errol trying to shoot the lock off the door. She decides to leave him there for a while (after removing the crossbow from the room).


A senior member of the Chapterhouse is summoned, and casts Remove Curse on the wolf. Ulmor returns to his normal form.


15 July 1003


Narlond returns. He heals Ulmor, Errol and Wiley (in return for a lot of money).


23 July 1003


Takashi identifies all of the magical items, and party members begin training.


After a few weeks, Lili notices Takashi coughing a lot. She diagnoses a fatal lung disease, which she cures with a Potion of Cure Disease.


Corin leaves the city alone and heads into the swamp, pursued by arrows and guards. Lili tells the rest of the party that she knows where Corin is. They sit out with a white shirt and an extendable pole, find Corin, and continue.